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(1 edit) (+1)

I had 4 red and 3 blue hearts. But i acidentaly clicked on a mine and got 23 damage. Like what. But it is still a fun game 10/10. (sorry for my bad english)

Can you make a mobile port please 🙂

Sure, I'll consider it for a future version

(2 edits) (+1)

Hello! Made an account just to be able to comment:

First of all, I am obsessed with this game, I adore it so much. Thank you!!

It took a bit for me to know what the boss gimmicks were, but once I went through a few tries, it was pretty easy to figure out!

There are two things I struggle with:

1. Flag visibility; I love using flags for myself,  but for some reason I am having a hard time with the chosen colour scheme to distinguish them from the background. It would be lovely if you could offer the ability to customise or adjust the colours of the numbers and flags slightly for accessibility. 

2. I really like the 'extended damage area for mines ' modifier, but unfortunately once you set one off, and you use the 'count exploded mine' setting, I get horrendously confused afterwards. Of course a part of that is on me for not remembering exactly where I had clicked previously, but perhaps you could implement a slightly different hue for the chain bombs so one can recognise the 'origin' bomb.

Either way it's a wonderful game, and I'll make sure to recommend it whenever I can ♥

First of all, thank you for all the kind words! ❤

Those are definitely solid suggestions: accessibility-wise, there's a lot that could be improved. A full-fledged version of the game was initially planned, and although it's currently on hold, I may work on some improvements later this year.

I'll post any updates here on Itch; I may also open a Discord server in the future.


This game idea is insane! Good job!

both limited visibility and the timer boss is way too hard. no way to speed through that

Yeah, got limited visibility with a timer and random numbers on a second boss and just gave up... In my opinion, numbers in a minesweeper-like game should never mislead.


First of all, nice game. I really enjoyed it, amazing looks. I beated it first try. Now onto the feedback:

-Moving the board around with the right click can be annoying if you try to do fast gameplay, this gave me some cases where I was trying to flag a mine but ended moving the board. I don't know how I would solve something like that, maybe try changing it to the left click and see if thats a good implementation or not.

-A minesweeper rule is that the first click is never a mine and in this game that rule doesn't apply. I don't know if you changed it or you didn't know. This could be changed easily in any way you think is convinient.


Glad you liked it, and congrats on beating it on your first try!

  • I understand the problem. Currently, the dragging only starts after a certain threshold of movement that I have essentially calibrated based only on my gameplay. I will keep it in mind for the next update.
  • This is a much-discussed topic. By design, the behavior is intended. As a roguelike, I wanted to leave the possibility of clicking on a mine by pure bad luck, a disadvantage mitigated by having more lives. However, I have added the possibility of starting a game with the 'Hawk Eye' relic, which prevents this situation; it's on the New Game screen.

The possibility of the first click being a mine as a way to balance multiple lives is clever, now that you mentioned it makes sense.

Well well well. Somehow, I got memory violation error during 3-6 boss fight. Console message is quite informative: `Unity Engine: Memory Violation error in object 0x623f72ba`. Fun-freaking-tastic! 3-6 is a wall for me. You feel like you're finally winning? Here, take this `F U` Unity error. 

All I can say, boss had patched field and number distortion mods. Maybe chainmines also, dunno. I had mines counter lens and column reveal stick. I just opened a questionable cell, so, it might be something about counting 3*3 explosions on void patches. Or not. It's totally not about free RAM as I had slightly more than 8Gb free.

That's all. Good luck backtracking bugs with this!

(1 edit)

WTF? I got to 3-6 boss, it has like 61 bombs. Having hawk eye, I open random cell and get overkilled by chain reaction of 27 bombs.

A assume, you wanted to freak the shit out of player by changing "empty field" cell effect with "mine cell" without actually killing one. If so, you failed miserably. 

Thanks for the feedback! One of the boss's effects is that when a mine explodes, it destroys a 3x3 area around it. As a result, if there is another mine within that area, it creates the chain reaction you experienced. In the early levels, it can take away a maximum of 3-4 lives based on my tests, but it can be fatal in the later ones. The same thing happened to me several times (see my gameplay video). I understand that it is frustrating, and I am open to changing it, which is why I made the game available while it's still in development

It still does not answer the question, how is it possible to open mine on first click with hawk eye.

In your case, there's at least one bug, which explodes not only mines, but any number cell around. This number cells does not spread activation, but counts as damage. As a result, by exploding 7 (61 то 54) bombs i'm getting whooping -22 hit on 3rd level with 10hp at max... 

And, yeah, chain reaction should be less destructive. 3*3 damage is overkill. Even activating 3*3 zone around mine is quite painful. I guess, some boss modifier combinations should have more value than each of them apart.

Sorry, I missed the part about opening on a mine. I think I know where the problem is, and I'll try to fix it in the next patch.

Regarding the damage, there is also a boss modifier that increases it by 1, so it would be 2 damage for each mine. If you have the seed, I'll try to confirm if it was present or not. However, if exactly 7 mines exploded, it should have caused 14 damage, not 22. If it was 1 damage for each mine plus each adjacent cell, it would have been much more than 22. Graphically, it is correct that the adjacent cells are damaged; it is part of the malus due to the enlarged explosion effect.

I like the idea of giving weight to each boss modifier to make the resulting stage more balanced. I will work on it, thanks again for the feedback!

Turns out, any boss fight ignores Hawk eye.

Nay, don't have seed. Extra damage is reasonable yet never mentioned. Say, showing "x2 damage" on map screen in tooltip should be enough. 

Also, reviving one (or more) of boss modifiers would be great. Say, one for free and more for extra relics\artifacts. This'll make bigger maps more reasonable.

It's not just weighting. It's "chain reaction"=1, "extra bombs"=2, "chain reaction"+"extra bombs"=5. Because it takes a lot of preparations ore one big chunk of luck to survive this combination. 

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For now, it was not my intention to mention which modifiers were present for each boss in order to keep them unpredictable. Obviously, each combination should be balanced to be as fair as the others, as we already said.

I didn't understand the part about reviving the boss modifiers, could you elaborate? Thanks

Edit: what I could do is to list all the modifiers that could be applied somewhere, like here in the game description, together with other unexplained mechanics :D it's always been a thing to do tbh

Also, make artifact item a button itself. It's VERY strange i can't activate it by just pressing it.

Understandable, should be an easy fix :)


I absolutely loved this game. Thank you for making and sharing it. I was a little confused about the numbers changing to reflect only unexploded mines when I made a mistake, but it’s truly a gem of a game. 


Note: Running out of time on a boss doesn't do damage, it just instantly kills you.  My bad trying to math out a 50/50 since I had a shield thinking it was better not to risk wasting one of my seven hearts XD

one thing I would tweak is making the center tile and those that surround it always safe, so that you have a means of starting the puzzle without having to risk taking damage to a mine you couldn't detect.

I've actually implement a new relic for that.

I'll probably make it so that it's automatically added when starting a new game, since it seems to be something requested by most people.


nice game i like it! 💣

what the heck, it's saying "Your browser doesn't support WebGL" but I played it yesterday


Just tried on firefox, it works fine :/ it should be something on your end. You could also try the new alpha version, it's a download for Windows. If you would like it for another OS just let me know!

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That's some smooth minesweeping! Reminds me of SNKRX, probably because of the crisp pixel art and the upbeat music. My biggest gripes are the music getting a bit repetitive and the upgrade screen pops up so quickly that I accidentally selected an upgrade many times. Asides from that a very solid game, keep it up! Played up til 5-2


Thanks for the detailed feedback! Ye, the item selection problem happened many times to me too 😅 I'll try to fix it in the next patch.


when your first ever square in the game is a mine: :

Great game, but here are some issues I've encountered:

  • If you finish the level with the right mouse button, you can't select an item.
  • If you enter the settings during a level and then return to the game, the screen stays black and the board is no longer visible.
  • Some items can't be purchased even though I have enough gold.
  • Artifacts are not used when pressing the Tab key or clicking the middle mouse button.

Thank you for the feedback! Points 1 and 2 are now fixed, build is up :) regarding the items, relics cannot be repurchased right now; there was an error not displaying that info before, it's fixed now.

(i know it's kinda stupid to roll items that you already have in the shop pool but that's needed right otherwise you will end up with an empty shop at some point, since few relics are available right now :D)
About the artifact, make sure it's fully charged before using it, like this:

(this needs a more detailed explanation in-game, but that's true for almost every aspect of the game)

good game, but it needs a safety net to make sure you don't start on a bomb.

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Thanks for the feedback! That is kind of intended since you have more lives to survive, unlike a classic minesweeper game.